Testimonials From Our Startups

Testimonials From Our Startups

Rajamanthi Sowmya Vasanthi

Rajamanthi Sowmya Vasanthi

Founder - Farmzon

Women Startup Program gave me the platform to route my thoughts and work towards converting idea into a venture of agripreneurship. I was mentored and guided throughout, right from idea validation, experimentation, and implementation.
M Venkata Vijaya Lakshmi

M Venkata Vijaya Lakshmi

Founder - Amogh Home Foods

Women Startup Program has refined my personality. I realized that courage, risk taking, being true to customers are important qualities to be successful as an entrepreneur. The program has invocated a new entrepreneurial culture of sharing, caring and giving.
Kambhampati Vijaya Radhika

Kambhampati Vijaya Radhika

Founder - Indian Spice Basket

Women Startup Program has played a constructive role in achieving my dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. The journey to establish a sustainable venture is not smooth. Each day comes with a new problem and there are times when the entrepreneur feels like giving up. But this program gives you all the means to stay on track and work towards scaling up.
Dr Sunita Chitlangia

Dr Sunita Chitlangia

Founder - Ecosaviour

Women Startup Program gave a fresh perspective to my life. Motivation and persistence are the two important factors that keep any entrepreneur going. This program provided me with ways to stay motivated and to work persistently. Being a part of this cohort-based program, I could meet and interact with other women entrepreneurs and hear their entrepreneurial stories. Besides the learnings, the knowledge sharing among the cohort was the biggest take away for me.
Jupudi Vasantha Madhuri

Jupudi Vasantha Madhuri

Founder - Mitra Life Sciences

Women Startup Program helped me to develop a different perspective in setting up my venture. It helped me to think practically and implement my academic learnings to solve real business problems. Being a part of this program was a life changing experience for me
Shalini Peddada

Shalini Peddada

Founder - Collection D

Converting a childhood hobby of art and crafts into a business idea, learning to establish a startup that employs artists and crafts personnel, promoting and marketing products on social media platforms and selling online was possible only and only through Women Startup Program.
Avantika Agarwal

Avantika Agarwal

Founder - Space Stories

Coming from a creative background with no formal education in business and administration and relocating to a new city, I probably had most checks missing to take the leap in establishing my business. Women Startup Program helped me in a smooth transition from a freelancer to an Entrepreneur. I am fully prepared and confident to lead an enterprise and scale exponentially
Ella Krishnaveni

Ella Krishnaveni

Founder - Recipe Kit

Mentoring, networking events, interaction with successful entrepreneurs, periodic review sessions made me helped me to strategize the roadmap for my venture. Women Startup Program gave me the platform to turn my dream into reality. I am now confident and able to make decisions taking into the consideration the various perspectives of business.
Shanan Singh

Shanan Singh

Founder - Rashas Originals

Women Startup Program taught me how to network and leverage my contacts. Right from the legal aspect to the finance part, this program has supported me through it all. My mentors have played an instrumental role in my entrepreneurial journey.
M G Krishnaveni

M G Krishnaveni

Founder - FYSI World

Women Startup Program helped me grow my network fast. The learnings from MOOCs and mentorship sessions helped me to utilise, effectively and efficiently, the existing resources for manufacturing eco-friendly apparels using banana fibre and banana tree waste.
Lakshmi Teja Vanakuru

Lakshmi Teja Vanakuru

Founder - Sattva Naturals

Thanks to Women Startup Program, I have challenged my certainties, learned to approach issues from different angles and acquired the necessary tools to understand entrepreneurship. A stimulating experience in all.